Want to kick-start your social media?
This FREE 2-hour social media workshop will guide participants through social media demographics, do’s and don’ts and best practices. This isn’t a sales-pitch seminar! You’ll actually walk away with key information to improve your business presence on social media. Hard to believe? Here are the learning objectives for the workshop
By the end of the workshop participants will…
– identify social media platforms suited for their business through demographic information.
– explain essential actions to develop and maintain an engaged audience on social media.
– summarize key steps to implementing a lucrative social media strategy
What’s the catch?
All you have to do are these three things:
1. Sign-up to receive monthly social media news, tips, and updates: http://eepurl.com/XCgGf
2. “LIKE” Jennifer Baker Consulting on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jenniferbakerco
3. Have an open mind and willingness to learn!
Other details:
1. Only 1 (one) representative per company.
2. Do not bring laptop computers. Mobile devices are welcomed.
3. If you cannot attend, please let the organizer know ASAP as a waitlist is expected.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/social-media-kick-start-registration-35917716858